Kratom Research Paper

Words: 1579
Pages: 7

Throughout history, much suffering has been relieved with utilization of botanical medicines providing a variety of effects including, anxiety and pain relief. Imagining clinical applications for these substances is not hard, especially when considering their limited side effects and less toxic composition compared to pharmaceuticals. It is difficult, however, to understand why modern medicine is absolutely devoid of any natural treatments; rather, we prescribe chemical compounds for every inconvenience, encouraging dependence on these substances and the profiteering corporations that manufacture them. The product: the national opioid crisis that has claimed countless lives and caused much suffering. Enter: Kratom. The leafy plant that has …show more content…
The ASAM estimates 1.9 million Americans like this are addicted to prescription drugs. These people could greatly benefit from swapping their pills for some kratom tea as a safer alternative, ideally rescuing them from the cold reality of addiction or harsh side-effects they currently face while providing them with consistent pain relief they initially sought. The Arkansas’ Attorney General banned Kratom in Arkansas based on its ‘highly addictive properties’ calling it a ‘dangerous drug’; however, this seems hypocritical being that prescription opiates are far more addictive than kratom, have caused 165,000 deaths between 1999 – 2014 according to the CDC, and have much worse withdrawal symptoms and possible drug interactions. A thoroughly researched article on states, ‘Here in the U.S., a country in which painkillers are routinely overprescribed, now consume more than 84 percent of the entire worldwide supply of oxycodone and almost 100 percent of hydrocodone opioids.’ This is quite frightening and indicates that a large factor of this epidemic may be, in part, due to our culture. Contrary to these toxic formulations, Kratom has shown to pose minimal risk for addiction, withdrawal, and side effects. In what studies are available, long-term, chronic users presented only mild ailments such as darkened complexion, confusion, and headaches. (erowid) Only in a handful of circumstances has kratom been shown to pose any serious risk, often due to drug interactions, or pre-existing conditions. However, these possible complications should not hinder the continuance of research on the plant as there are many cases in