LASA 2 Society's Response To Crime

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Pages: 7

LASA 2 Society’s Response to Crime
Traditionally when an individual commits a crime in our society, they are punished by our legal system. Punishment can be served as criminal hearings, jail, parole and fines. The punitive, retributive method, purpose is to bring justice through deterrence and conviction of the offenders. Throughout our society, punishment is instinctively assuming as a result of a crime. However, this process of punishment has been criticized for its impact on society and how effective it is on society. The criticism is that retributive methods does not deter crime enough or prevent it from starting. Furthermore, this type of punishment can also create a negative relationship between the criminal justice system and its
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With the United States leading in having the largest proportion of adult prison population. In 1980, there were 21,000 federal inmates, now there are over 220,000 inmates in the federal prison system (Stonestreet, 2015). The statistics found that the impact of these facts, where the lower income and minorities are disproportional to victimize whose communities have been entirely decimated (Tyler, 2006). However, when someone breaks the rules, they are not always held responsible for their actions or are released without getting proper care to prevent re-offending. Thus, the alternative of restorative method was put in place to help fill the …show more content…
“This approach involves a discussion of the impact of the crime on the victim and the community and public shaming of the deed (not the offender). The offender earns his or her way back into the community's favor” (NCJRS, 2000 para 5). This program has shown to be effective in averting prosecution and reducing juvenile offenders.
Austin, Texas, also developed a group of community volunteers that serve on neighborhood conference committees, which hear cases for youth diversion. These youth diversion cases usually involve first-time offenders that committed a no weapon misdemeanor. This committee holds separate interviews with the offender and parents to determine the appropriate actions and develops a contract with the offender that details what restitution for the victims and restoration for the community. Everyone involved in the incident including the offended, parents, and community members sign the contract (NCJRS,