Lack Of Intelligence In Charlie Gordon's Success

Words: 856
Pages: 4

Charlie’s increase of intelligence was worth the loss he suffers by its departure at the end of the story. Along with his high IQ level, he was given additional benefits. Charlie Gordon was awarded with true friends, enhancement of his relationship with others, and the fulfillment of his wish to be an intelligent person. These added benefits overpowered the negativities of experiencing the augmentation of intelligence with the conclusion of losing the intelligence he gained from the experiment.

Charlie Gordon’s increase of intelligence allowed him to gain things that he would not have gained if he did not agree on doing the experiment. He gained true friends who used to be the ones who bullied him for his lack of intelligence. Once Charlie started to lose his temporary intelligence, he went back to living
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When a new employee made a mean comment towards Charlie, Joe Carp came by and stood up for Charlie. “I felt bad but Joe Carp came over and grabbed him by the shirt and said leave him alone you lousy cracker or I’ll break your neck.” (Keyes 35) Also, the other former bully, Frank Reilly, came up to Charlie and told him that Charlie can confide in him and Joe Carp if anyone else picks on him. “Later Frank Reilly came over and said Charlie if anybody bothers you or trys to take advantage you call me or Joe and we will set them straight.” (Keyes 35) Charlie finally felt reassured that he did truly have real friends.

Charlie Gordon’s increase of intelligence taught him to enhance his relationships with others. For instance, he was able to connect with Miss Kinnian on a deeper level and eventually fell in love with her. In the past, he was unable to see her as someone whom he can fall in love with since she was his teacher, but with his increase of