Ladybug Research Paper

Words: 269
Pages: 2

Ladybug is a tiny, oval-shaped winged insect which is also known as lady bird and lady beetles. Their species could be classified by looking the number of their spots. The two-spotted ladybug is the most prevalent species of ladybug. Its size is never longer than 1/4 inch or 4-8 mm. Their main predator is bird and when it feels intimidated it will pretend to be dead. Since ladybugs’ larvae and adults consume aphids, mealybugs, and mites (which are garden pests); ladybugs could be regarded as little predators. Ladybug larvae are able to eat nearly 25 aphids a day, while the adults are capable of consuming over twice the amount. Approximately 5,000 different species of ladybugs are known to exist throughout the world. The flight wings of ladybug