Let’s get to the lifestyle of the lamb. Lambs eat too you know. Lambs that are going to slaughter on a feed lot are all fed together. They share a group trough and each lamb gets at least three percent of its body weight each day. The feed they are fed includes a type of grain mixed with crushed corn. They will also get unlimited hay/grass and water. On a side note, lambs that are to be show lambs are fed to keep a consistent weight. These lambs will still get three percent of their weight daily but they will be fed high protein show feed and steam rolled barley and have only some hay offered to them. (Bagniewski) Basically what Bagniewski is saying here is that these lambs get treated pretty decent, well on a small hobby farm at least. She mentions the feedlot slightly in here but she is mainly stating facts from her personal experience on a small hobby farm. You don’t necessarily feed lambs in a feedlot what you do on a small hobby farm. You can’t replace grain but you can supplement the grass with protein feed. You can also replace with sugar beet. These byproducts may be able to improve rumen efficiency because it is high in yeast fragments. (Trickett) The reason you can’t replace grain on a feedlot is because feeding an animal grain is what makes it get to slaughter weight fast. If they fed sheep only grass like the animal is naturally and historically used to then it would take a lot longer to get the