Langston Hughes's 'If This World Was Mine'

Words: 158
Pages: 1

The poem by Langston Hughes is similar to the picture “If this world was mine”. In Langston Hughes poem mother to son it has some words that represent the picture “If this world was mine “. In the picture it shows the twist and turns in the ball of yarn that represent the world .The ball of yarn has tied strings and also strands of string sticking out .That shows the twist and turns in the world. As said in the poem” life for me ain’t been no crystal stair”. This tells me that life is not easy. The strings in the ball of yarn tied parts shows the bumps and curves, and in the poem it says “Don’t you set down on the steps cause you finds it’s kinder hard “. Meaning that whatever life throws at you don’t ever turn and run away from it .Does are