From average glasses to animal replicas, the possibilities are endless. It is often said that the souvenir cup stands were once locked in fierce competition to see which model could contain the most alcohol; nowadays it’s all about creativity which is what tourists scour the city for. Every casino has their own spin and design to the vessels. A popular site is the casino bar located in Paris Las Vegas where people can get their hands on an Eiffel Tower drink cup. With the funky glasses, one can fill it up with one of the thousand drinks Vegas has in store. David Rosborough, Rock & Rita’s general manager stated that “Within one square mile of the Las Vegas Strip, there are so many… beverage options. You do have to have something that is off the wall” (Padgett). Normal sized plastic cups are bland and a thing of the past; the unique vessels is where the money is at. Within the city, there lies the perfect model that suits the searcher’s