Law 82-352: An Example Of The Civil Rights Movement

Words: 1118
Pages: 5


It started with a law that was passed in 1964 against discrimination. Schools and other facilities had to desegregate their buildings. This allowed blacks to vote and go to school where they wanted to. The law was passed July second of 1964. The law was called law 82-352.

The real question is how did they earn their rights. They staged protests. They mainly held boycotts. One example of this is the Montgomery bus boycott. Blacks would refuse to give up their seats to whites. Another example is the rally in the baptist church on Holt street in Montgomery. A last example is the million man march were people walked the streets in protest.These people showed great bravery and passion.

Once they earned their rights it had to be decided
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One example is some people still weren’t allowed on trains. Another example is there was still some separate bathrooms in certain buildings. Another example is some movie theaters wouldn’t allow blacks in. Even though the movement was passed some people just hated blacks too much.

This was not the only civil rights movement. One example is the civil rights movement of 1950 through 1959. One example is in 1955 Rosa parks refused to give up her seat to a white man. Another example is, also in 1955 Dr. king was elected for pastor of a baptist church in Montgomery where he lead a boycott. These two people became huge romadles in the civil rights movement.

Even though whites tried to give blacks basic rights, it wasn’t always secure. One example of this is some blacks got emancipated to have basic rights, but usually there was still so much discrimination that they got the rug pulled out from under them. People fought for years trying to secure federal protection for blacks. By the time blacks were secure they wanted more than basic civil rights, they wanted complete freedom. This is when the fight really