Her interests are focused on creativity, she enjoys painting and drawing and concentrates on each piece of art she does for a substantial amount of time, always finishing what she starts and tells practitioners who it’s going to be for and takes each one home at the end of the day. She also has an interest in books and has a number of different books memorised, knowing the story plot, the repeated phrases, names and endings.
In regards to the domains of development, Courtney can do many things within each separate domain of physical, social, emotional and communication. According to her tracking sheets (that covers the four domains and sub-domains) Courtney is currently working at the age of a 48-60 month old (4-5 years).
Physically, she is able to walk, run, skip, jump, hop, shuffle and slide. As well as these she can navigate space successfully, can climb confidently, kick a ball and walk up and downstairs whilst holding on to a rail- her physical development is
Within the communication domain she can use complex sentences linked to what she may be thinking, can retell simple past events in correct order (i.e. yesterday something happened), uses sound in play, holds strong conversation with both adults