Breeze Breathometer is an improvement to the existing Original Breathometer. It is a wireless Smartphone breathalyzer that provides blood alcohol concentration level. Breeze connects to any Smartphone using Bluetooth. Breeze’s compact design allows users to take it with them wherever they do. Users simply open the Breathometer mobile app on the Smartphone, power on the Breeze. Once connected, all it takes is a blow into the mouth of Breeze for 5 seconds. Its Back to Zero features also provides users with the time it takes for the alcohol to metabolize. The price of the Breeze is $100.00
Marketing challenges – Breathometer Breeze
I believe that Breeze has many marketing challenges. A major challenge that Breeze faces is the level of need for a Breathometer from consumers. There is not a strong need for consumers to purchase Breeze. According to Kotler & Keller, 2012, since the product concept does not have strong need, one should expect a lower consumer interest. Another challenge for Breeze is user target and purchasing frequency. Who would use Breeze, when and how often? The product does not appeal to the majority of the potential customers.
Consumer adoption and rate of diffusion – Breathometer Breeze
According to Kotler & Keller, 2012, adoption process is a five-stage process all prospective consumers go through from learning of the new product to the final decision to use the product regularly. Diffusion rate is “the spread of a new idea from its source of invention or creation to its ultimate users” (Kotler & Keller, p. 589). The Breeze manufacture might discover that many consumers are stuck in the interest stage. They might not buy because of their uncertainty of the need to have the Breeze. Breeze’s rate of adoption will also be influenced the uncertainty as well as the scientific credibility for the accuracy of the product.
Marketing innovation – Google Glass
Google Glass is a head-mounted wearable computer with a camera and a microphone. Glass is a new product that is always-ready to answers your questions, alerts you to messages, and gives you driving directions. The see-through display is just out of your direct line of sight. When you choose to consult the display, it looks like a Smartphone screen held eight inches from your face.
Marketing challenges – Google Glass
When consumer is not using Google Glass as the computer, it is very easy to ignore and see it as a pair of glasses. However, Google’s challenge in making the device a successful consumer product will be convincing the people to ignore it as well. There is something inherently intrusive about this kind of device. In June 2012, Google decided not to sell the first version in retail stores, but instead limit it to Glass Explorers, a select group of geeks and journalists who paid $1,500 for the privilege of being an early adopter, those that are less price-sensitive and willing to adopt the product to get a dramatic competitive advantage. The exclusivity added to the intense interest, with media outlets clamoring for their own piece of the story. This prompts tech reviewers to finally got their hands on Glass and described it as the worst product of all time. There was also a concern for privacy as people afraid of being recorded during private moments such as the restrooms.
Consumer adoption and rate of diffusion – Google Glass
Google might discover that consumers are stuck in the trial phase. They do not buy of the whooping investment cost of $1,500.00. However, presumably that high price is not a problem; the product will still filter out people who might be intimidated by stares. For Glass to