Leadership And Followership Style Analysis

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Pages: 4

Leadership and Followership Styles. Both leaders and followers can be categorized into different styles. Individual styles develop based on several aspects; personal ethics and values, life and work experiences, personality traits and characteristics. The style adopted in either role will affect the interpersonal relationships, ability to work with others and how they follow or lead. (Clemens, 2014)
Leadership Styles. Leaders develop a relationship with their followers through behavior and communication. Whether the relationship is negative or positive, is greatly affected determined by the type or style of leadership the individual adopts and the level of social and emotional intelligence the leader processes. There are many styles
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• Charismatic leadership

Clearly, there are many leadership styles that have been identified over the years, but only four specific styles will be addressed in this section: authoritarian, democratic, laisse-fair, and transformational leadership.
An individual leadership style is the way the person provides motivation, direction, and implements strategy. Douglas McGregor, a researcher and professor at the MIT Sloan School of Management, developed two general theories to explain why individuals choose a specific style of leadership. He named them theory x and theory y, which are based on human assumptions about one another. (Northouse P. G., 2015) Theory X is based on three common assumptions people make about others:
1. Most people dislike work
2. Because most people dislike work they must be directed, controlled, threatened, punished or rewarded to coerce them to work.
3. People prefer to be directed, avoid responsibility, lack ambition, and want security above
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Those leaders who make these assumptions tend to approach leadership with open and effective communication, encourage teamwork, and make strong efforts to motivate and inspire others toward personal betterment and greater success for the organization. Theory y leaders adopt a democratic style of leadership which is focused on accomplishment of goals through guidance versus directive. They are more creative and work to inspire creativity among followers. The democratic leader places importance on inspiration and