Collection and Coding In order to collect data for analysis, secondary data was used to determine the contributing factors that lead to an employee’s level of satisfaction with their job. Such data was found at the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics website at The data was based on the National Organizations Survey conducted via face to face and telephonic interviews performed by the University of Illinois at Champaign’s Survey Research Laboratory. The survey date utilized was done so in an error to determine whether success which is the dependant variable (DV) and the nominal independent variables (IV) identified in Table 1 from the data set as employee trust in leadership, job satisfaction, years of employment, age, race, union or non union status, and highest year of school completed have a relationship. The interviews included questions related to promotion, peer relationship, employee benefits, and staffing policy on a cross-sectional sampling of 1,517 respondents in United States organizations. Credibility can be found in the research design due to the allowance of an increased amount of contacts than what would have otherwise have been established in a population sample considered as standard because respondents were contacted repeatedly until they were reached. In addition, the interviewers underwent training for 3 days to learn about the research design, were paid a higher pay rate than most interviewers to garner quality staff, and were taught how to promote increased participant cooperation from interviewees. Data collection spanned from April 18, 1991 and ended November 29, 1991.
Table 1. (This block should be included with chart above) The purpose of this data collection was to analyze job training for the US Department of Labor. Sampling design was described as simple in an effort to develop a robust representation of age and types of workplaces environments. Careful consideration to using this size sampling reveals that using such sampling may not fully represent individual ideas from those in varying regions as well as other industries. Survey participants were asked a series of questions related to job satisfaction and coded through the use of a 5-point Likert scale with responses ranging from 1 to 5 where 1 corresponded to strongly disagreeing and 5 represented strongly agreeing. The Lykert scale is the leading tool for measuring individual’s attitudes toward a specific topic. The Lykert scale will measure the degree to which employees agree or disagree with statements pertaining to their leader. A strength of this tool is found in the fact that responses are not simply yes or