1. Use the box below to introduce yourself in less than 50 words. You may wish to include in your introduction any specific learning objectives you want to achieve through studying this course.
. I am currently unemployed and looking for a new career and direction. I have worked in admin before but know you have to hold a qualification so by doing this course It will give me the opportunity to learn and progress in my career.
2. I think of myself as someone who:
b) Is sometimes poor at prioritising and who needs to be reminded to do things and may even leave them till the last minute
3. Having face-to-face interaction with my tutors and fellow students is:
a) Not particularly important to me
4. When it comes to assessing my own progress, I:
b) Prefer to receive regular feedback from my teacher or tutor, but it doesn’t have to be immediate
5. I learn best when:
a) I can listen to explanations, read textbooks out loud or talk to myself when studying alone
Part 2 – Are you ready to develop your business and administration skills?
Question 1:
c) I know there are main points of legislation which affect employers and employees, but I don’t really know a lot about this subject.
Question 2:
b) I know a little bit about different methods of communication and how to choose the most appropriate method.
Question 3:
c) I know that agreeing work standards and adapting to change is important, but I don’t really know a lot about this subject.