12/9/12 Alternate Endings
Ending 1: He opened the door on the right, gently, gently, like no one could hear the sound of it. He looked around, no one is watching. He trusts the princess, but on the way to the arena, he realized he couldn’t give up his life on her. He had to make sure his own life. Even though it is only month’s relationship, he knew what kind of person the princess was, sometimes she is just like her dad, cruel, selfish and arrogant, she would think of herself first before others. He needs to be more careful. Therefore, when he walked towards the door on the right, he only opened a tiny bit, but it is enough for him to see what is inside, the lady, or the tiger. He had wished so many times that it would be the lady, but after all, it was just his imagination, he is pretty sure that the creature behind the door, is a dangerous, scary animal, waiting for it’s next meal. He shivered, and felt the fear to die. “I was right, it is the tiger, the princess want me dead,” He said to himself, “But I can’t let that happen, I won’t let my fate be controlled by the princess.” Hence, he immediately shut the door that he opened and moved to the left and opened the other door as quickly as he could.
Ending 2: He opened the door on the right, without hesitating. He trusted the princess more than anyone, she is so beautiful that she looked like an angle to him. He gave all his hope on her. When he noticed that the princess figured out the secret behind the