Lesson 1 Legislation Portfolio Evidence Essay

Submitted By tscw23
Words: 1752
Pages: 8

Legislation Portfolio Evidence

Please upload document against Unit 1 assessment criteria 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3

1.1 Outline current legislation relevant to the home based child carer

Task: Complete the following table with a brief summary of how each piece of legislation relates to the work of home based childcare

Children Act 1989
This was the first acknowledgement in UK law of children's rights, summed up by the phrase “the needs of the child are paramount". It centres on the idea that children are best cared for within their own families; however, it also makes provisions for instances when parents and families do not co-operate with statutory bodies.
What does it mean for me as a child minder – It is my responsibility: to look after the welfare and the safety of the children at all times, to protect children, to provide a healthy diet, to provide children with daily exercise and to provide children with activities that follow the EYFS. I have a responsibility to follow Health and Safety, Equal Opportunities and The Equality Act at all times.
United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child
This is a human rights agreement; which sets out the civil, political, economic, social, health and cultural rights of children. It defines a child as any human being under the age of eighteen, unless the age of majority is attained earlier under a state's own domestic legislation. And as providers of childcare under the age of 18 we are obliged to follow the treaty agreement.
Children Act 2004
Arose from the green paper "every child matters" and identifies five key outcomes for the children
-Be healthy
-Stay safe
-Enjoy and achieve
-Make a positive contribution
-Achieve economic well-being
Which are what we should be adhering to as providers of care for children. It is my responsibility to work together and to share information with agencies for the wellbeing of the child. It is my responsibility to share information with professionals such as Social Workers, Social Services, Doctors, Speech therapists, Police etc.
The Childcare Act 2006
Within Childcare act 2006 there are a number of changes. These changes were made to the legislation specificity for children in foster homes, adoption agencies, babysitting, child minding and the handling of child related crime.
These changes were -
-The Early Years Foundation Stage. The EYFS seeks to provide quality and consistency, a secure foundation, good partnerships working between practitioners and parents/carers and equality of opportunity.
-Ofsted registers. This application decides whether you are suitable to be registered on the childcare register.
-Children centres and extended schools.
-Free early years funding for 3 and 4 year olds.
-Duty on local authorities to ensure sufficient childcare information.

It is my responsibility that I follow and have a good working knowledge of the EYFS.
Equality Act 2010
This act simplifies the current laws and puts them all together in one piece of legislation also making some areas of the law stronger. It ensures that all different groups of people, (disability, race, religion or belief, gender, age) are treated fairly.
It is my responsibility to ensure that all children and people are treated fairly and that I give each child the same standard of care and I give each child the same access to care. I must anticipate the care that I give to all children regardless of their individual needs. I must not discriminate against a child and ensure that their attitudes are reflected positively within my setting
Children and Families Act 2014
The Act makes provision about children, families and people with special educational needs or disabilities, about the right to request flexible working, and about connected purposes.

The act was updated to:
-Help parents by caring for children outside school
-To help parents by caring for children outside school
-To help more people to look after children as child-minders
-To save time and