Lesson Plan Essay

Submitted By kleming
Words: 697
Pages: 3

Running Head: Balance Beam


Lesson Plan: Balance Beam
Kirsten Leming
PED212: Foundation of Movement & Motor Activities
Instructor: Thad Walker
December 15, 2014


Running Head: Balance Beam



1st Grade/age 6!
Developmental level will begin with cognitive, associative and progress to autonomic!
16-25 students!
The fundamental skill is walking on a balancing beam/one foot in front of the other!
The state standard: The state of Texas requires 135 minutes per week of moderate structured !

physical activity with no requirement for recess. This is for grades kindergarten through !


sixth grade.!

Lesson: Walking on balance beam with one foot in from of the other.!

Today we will learn how to walk on a balancing beam with one foot in front of the other.

We will be working ton our balance and stepping each foot in front of the other until we are able to make it all the way across the beam without falling off.!

Objective: !

Our objective is to walk with one foot in front of the other all the way across the balance

beam with little to no assistance from teachers or peers. Students will be able to demonstrate good balance and completion from start to finish of the balance beam.!


Utilizing three teachers we will divide the class into two groups. Each group will have

one teacher to focus on the students performance with the lead teacher able to act as a float for instruction, observation and as a safety monitor. The lead teacher will begin the lesson by getting the students’ attention and providing rules of engagement. There is to be only one !

Running Head: Balance Beam


! student on a balance beam at any given time. No student will begin their walk across the balance beam until the teach teals them to begin and is able to observe the student crossing the beam. Taking will be kept to a low whisper while other students wait in line. Those that do not follow the rules and act in a safe manor for themselves and their peers will be sat out and anyone that endangers another student will be sent to the office for further discipline. At the end of the lesson and once the class is proficient we will have a game where we will break into teams and the winning team gets to chose from some rewards like getting five extra minutes at recess today. !


For equipment we will need two balance beams, three teachers at least and proper gym

attire. Students must wear rubber sole tennis shoes for safety and grip. Any student that is wearing dress shoes or boots will have to change into their gym shoes or not be allowed to participate for