Letter From Birmingham Jail Analysis

Words: 514
Pages: 3

Back in the day, to be peaceful means you had to take a lot of unjust discipline from people who hated the thought of African American people. So I believe peaceful resistance to laws negative impact a free society. You would think after Dr.King Jr. protested, marched, and delivered speeches the world would be equal. That means equal rights, freedom of expression, justice, etc. But the only thing that changed that Martin wanted was slavery to be gone; everything else is still being fought for. Being any race such as Mexican, Arabian, and African American it is so much harder fighting for what's right. Which is why I say peaceful resistance to laws responds to a negative impact on society. Black people can not stand up to police officers because of the fear of being treated wrong by the people who is …show more content…
In "Letter from a Birmingham Jail," Dr.King says,"In any nonviolent campaign there are four basic steps: collection of the facts to determine whether injustices exist; negotiation; self-purification; and direct action." Meaning that he tried to take a passive approach, but taking a passive approach still don't work out. Being peaceful only leads to having more problems. What exactly is being peaceful? People can honestly be minding their own business, and something bad can happen to them. For example, Trayvon Martin was killed while walking home from the store. George Zimmerman, the neighborhood watch crime captain, killed Trayvon Martin because he looked "suspicious." Maybe or maybe not Zimmerman was/is a racist but what is wrong is wrong. You can not go around shooting people just because they look suspicious or whatever the case might