“According to F. Cavallera the letter would have been written at the time when Origen tried to persuade Gregory to attend the school in Beirut”. “But, the Remerciement says that he Gregory intended to go but he never did”. “Further there is an observation where Origen desired that his student Gregory could become a great Roman lawyer or a great Greek Philosopher”. “But for Cavallera, he assums that the letter was written at that time, believes that Gregory had not received any philosophical formation”. The second opinion is from J. Dräseke “who confirms that the letter was send as a warning from the master to his disciple cautioning him against the dangers of intellectualism and the paganism in Alexandria”. And the last one is from P. Koetschau who clearly states that the letter was written after 238 and was sent by Origen to his former student who is now back and is undeceive about his