My name is Xavier Warren. I am 12 years old and from Saline, Michigan. Immigrant discrimination is a big problem in this country. I care about this topic because I believe that immigrants should be treated the same as all other people. Immigrant discrimination is when immigrants are treated differently than the native people of a country. Immigrants are people fleeing their country because of fear of violence, persecution, or better economic security. Immigrant discrimination is an injustice because they are being judged just because they aren’t from there by unfair immigration policies, unfair pay and promotion in their jobs, and people being hostile towards them. To begin with, did you know that one-third of immigrants …show more content…
According to the National Immigrant Justice Center, in the article titled, “Decriminalize Immigration,” it says “An ever-growing patchwork of laws impose harsh penalties on immigrants who have been involved in the criminal legal system, including the possibility of detention without the opportunity to seek bond and automatic deportation to dangerous or unfamiliar countries.” This proves immigration policies are unfair because if an immigrant has a criminal record of any sort, they can be detained without the possibility of being able to get out before their trial. They can also be sent back to the country they came from, which could be very dangerous for them if there is violence or they are persecuted. Furthermore, immigrants face unfair pay and promotions in their jobs. According to Ozment Law, in the article titled, “Undocumented Immigrants Often Face Injustices On The Job” it says “Difficulties speaking English, lack of knowledge of America’s laws protecting workers and fear of reprisal are many reasons immigrant workers are put up with substandard working conditions. These often include the following: Being paid less than minimum wage or being denied pay or overtime for work put in. Being forced to work long