America does seem to be more accepting of issues more and more but obviously there are still a lot of problems when it comes to same sex marriages. Seventeen out of fifty states recognize a same sex marriage, which is one third of the country. I believe that not too much is being said about these same sex parents in the shows because not many people know about the show. I had no idea that Disney has a show with same sex parents and that the movie Frozen has a scene of a family with two fathers. When only one third of the country is allowing same sex marriages to be legal in the first place, I find it very difficult for you to say that Disney’s lesbian moms were no big deal.
Furthermore, when you say “Disney is taking steps in the right direction, and as the biracial Cheerios ad seems to show, Americans are ready for more” How does American accepting the biracial family in the Cheerios commercial say that we want television shows for children to have gay parents in them? They are two totally different subjects