Lewis Blackman Case

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Pages: 8

4a. What is the difference between a's and's'? Mindfulness In the case of Lewis Blackman, mindfulness could have played a crucial role in his care. Mindfulness, in essence, is the practice of being fully present and aware of one's thoughts, feelings, sensations, and surroundings without judgment (Pittman, 2024h). For a nurse, mindfulness is essential because it promotes a deeper connection with patients, enhances empathy, improves decision-making, reduces stress, and promotes patient safety. To cultivate mindfulness, nurses can engage in various practices such as deep breathing exercises, mindful walking, and reflective journaling. These practices help to develop self-awareness, emotional regulation, and the ability to stay focused in the present moment despite distractions …show more content…
By being mindful of subtle changes in his condition, healthcare professionals might have intervened earlier, potentially preventing his tragic outcome. Additionally, mindfulness could have facilitated better communication among the healthcare team, leading to more coordinated and effective care. 4b. Add a second to the list. Stress and Coping Skills Stress management is a critical aspect of maintaining well-being in any profession, particularly in high-pressure environments like nursing. Stress can be defined as the body's response to any demand or challenge, whether physical, spiritual, or psychological (Pittman, 2024i). While some stress can be beneficial, chronic, or overwhelming stress can have detrimental effects on health and performance (Pittman, 2024i). For nurses, stress can impact their ability to perform their roles and fulfill responsibilities in several ways. Firstly, it can lead to burnout, which manifests as emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and a decreased sense of personal accomplishment (Pittman,