Lg325 Unit Analysis Assignment

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Pages: 7

LING325 Assignment 2 – Unit Analysis Report

A. Describe the class, and the textbook
My imaginary class will have 10-20 international high school students from various backgrounds, approximately 14 years old who want to learn English at an intermediate language level. The purpose of the class is to teach them English through reading, writing, speaking, listening, grammar and vocabulary exercises.
The textbook selected for this class is Cosmic Kids 1 Students’ Book by Olivia Johnston. It was published by Pearson Education Limited in Harlow, United Kingdom in March 2012. This is the first of three textbooks in the Cosmic Kids series. There are various materials accompanied by the student book. These include the Workbook, the Grammar Book, the
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There are also sentence starter suggestions provided. The text encourages students to use adjectives with a pre-writing task in identifying adjectives. This represents the product approach to the teaching of writing as the task is concerned with the end product as well as the text structure and grammar (Hyland, 2007). Within the product approach, it also incorporates the genre approach as students are taught how to write a letter in English. Reppen (2002), who is critical of the process approach, states that students must learn to be able to write in diverse ways for diverse purposes which a genre-based approach …show more content…
They are then asked to fill in the dialogue using these words. In the next grammar task on page 51, students are given a table of ‘can’ or ‘must’ and ‘can’t’ or ‘mustn’t’ phrases which are then used to help students order words in the correct order. The ‘adverbs of manner’ grammar task on page 53 illustrates a few examples of the ‘–ly’ suffix formation of adverbs before asking students to complete sentences using adverbs. These are all indicative of the consciousness-raising approach as the learners are provided with data to show the specific linguistic feature for focused attention (Ellis,