Lida Chirinos: A Story That Changed My Life

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Pages: 4

Did you know that an average of 353,000 babies are born each day all around the world (Bailey, 2015) ? I am one of those 353,000 babies born on September 4,1997 and this is my story . I was conceived in San Pedro Sula, Honduras by Lida Chirinos who moved to the city at that time from a small-town Jutiapa, Atlántida to pursue a career in industrial textile making. Lida Chirinos then met Saul Aguirre a sales agent for Toyota through mutual friends and began to date and later both decided to conceive a child . That child was me and my mother moved back to her small village to feel more comfortable . Being 8 months pregnant Lida Chirinos found out that my father had a wife and kids and that she was actually the mistress in this story . That broke my mother’s heart and made her cut all ties with Saul. On September 3 at approximately 12:06 in …show more content…
Moved on up to Independence High School which was another eye-opening experience. I was already accustomed to small surroundings and realizing that the live I have had was privilege not like the live of other classmates who I got to know through the years and touched my life tremendously. I became at that stage more aware of who I was and the culturally dynamic family we were . In our house hold we kept many of our Spanish roots but also including the Belizeans one . We adapted popular dishes like “Black Dinah”, powder burns and Johnny cakes and infused them with Honduran dishes like sopiados. I completed Independence High School graduating with honours and decided to further my education at Independence Junior College. Leaving Independence Junior College was not only about leaving with that intellectual knowledge but that broad knowledge about life and reassuring me that striving for the top was one of the greatest things my mother instilled in