Life In Favelas Research Paper

Words: 669
Pages: 3

Living Life in the Favelas How do people consider the life among us that we live? I can remember as a young child, when I played around the house and outside all day with my brother. My parents would call us in for dinner that was freshly cooked and ready. After dinner, we would go back playing again while my parents cleaned everything up and washed dishes. As for Flavio living in the Favelas, he is the totally opposite as a young child. He cooks and cares for his family the best he can. There are a few types of living that occurs there, such as: crowded, dirty, and the modern day Favelas. People living in the Favelas were literally living on top of each other. The shacks there are stacked side by side and on top and bottom. The home Flavio and his family, which is about eight people, lived in was 10ft x 6ft. Imagine how crowded that would be! The clinics around the town are very crammed because a lot of people were getting sick. Mothers and children covered with open sores and the whole place filled with hunger and help. …show more content…
That is just one example of how the Favelas are dirty. Trash would be thrown and left out all over the streets. The sewers in the town would clog because of the garbage. Something most people living in the Favelas did was eat bad, spoiled food. If they got lucky, leftovers left out all night to eat in the morning was a normal thing in the Favelas. In America, if a child was hungry they would receive food one way or another. Flavio being the boy he was would have food cooked for his family and made sure his family got to eat before he would eat. Also, there was an aroma that filled throughout the Favelas because it was so dirty. The aroma was a horrible smell that people living in the Favelas had to deal with every single day. Most Americans would not be able to withstand conditions that Flavio had to live with. The Favelas were really crowded and dirty as people can