What was the first day of gladiator school like?
When a new recruit entered one of the gladiators schools he was assessed by the lanista (owner of the school), a doctor and the trainers. He would be checked by a doctor to ensure he was fit. Their physique would be assessed and a decision was made what type of gladiator he would be trained as.
What were their living quarters like?
Gladiators lived in prisons, 3 square meter cells usalyy 1 or 2 people in each.It has a bed with a hay mattress.If gladiators won lots of matches and got paid for their battles they could quickly buy new property and have better living quarters and put furniture in it.
Where did they train?
Over 100 gladiator schools …show more content…
The Ludus Magnus was connected to a tunnel which led directly to the Gate of Life in the Colosseum where the gladiators would have made their entry.
How did they train?
Gladiator Training was not just about acquiring physical combat skills. They also had to be taught how to die. Roman spectators expected gladiators to die bravely, showing no fear. Gladiator training therefore included how to die with honour.
Gladiator Training focussed on different fighting styles and weapons used by specific types of gladiators. Gladiators who fought in heavy armour were slower and needed different techniques and skills than those of gladiators who were lightly armed who were fast and light.
To be a successful fighter the gladiators had to train to reach their peak in fitness in order to make it out alive.
What did gladiatots eat
Their first meal of the day was at dawn. Strict rules were applied to new gladiators such as that they were not allowed to speak at mealtimes and were bound in shackles unless they were training. The new gladiators were well fed with a high protein diet. They ate 3 meals a day which of meat or fish, bread, cereals and vegetables. Other types of food included barley, dry fruits, cheese, goat milk, eggs and olive oil. The gladiators drank only