Within our Lifetime E-learning zone you will find online resources to support you with your course or Apprenticeship programme as well as useful information, advice and guidance.
To access these resources, please go to http://learning.lifetimetraining.co.uk/
If this is your first visit to the Lifetime E-learning Zone you will need to create an account. To do this simply click on the orange ‘Log in’ button and then choose the ‘create a new account’ option.
You will need an email address to create an account. If you don’t have an email address then please see the advice we have provided below on how to create one.
Once you have created an E-learning Zone account, please check your email and click on the link to confirm your registration.
When you have an account set up click on ‘Choose course’ to find your course, programme or module. Then click and enter the enrolment key provided below or by your tutor or regional trainer.
Course/programme/module title:
Enrolment key:
Children and Young People’s Workforce LEVEL 3
You only need to complete this process once. The next time you enter the E-learning Zone you will just need to insert your username and password.
If you have any problems accessing the E-learning Zone you can contact the Lifetime Learner Services team on 0870 120 1207 who will be happy to help you.
We look forward to making your future feel good.
Functional skills/ Advice and Guidance
There is also an area where you can gain access to supporting resources to help you complete your functional skills (Maths and English) and get links to useful websites and places to get help if you need some advice and guidance.
Advice on Creating an Email Address
To access the Lifetime E-learning Zone you will need an email address.
Two of the most popular email providers with their web addresses are listed below.
Google: www.google.com/accounts