Lincoln Junior High School Case Study

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Pages: 4

The PCSC Cooperation is trying to decide whether or not to rebuild or renovate Lincoln Junior High School, but the history and background of the school is holding them back from making a final decision. There are two options that the school board and the corporation pick from. Renovate or rebuild? Renovating Lincoln would basically be rebuilding the school because the school has many issues. Rebuilding would be a better solution in my opinion because the upcoming students who would be in the new rebuilt school will have many new opportunities to take, they would be safer, have more advanced technology, and even healthier. Rebuilding the Lincoln Junior High School of Plymouth, Indiana. If Lincoln Junior High School of Plymouth, Indiana was …show more content…
However, memories can be brought to the new school by having the bell in the front of the building and the Abraham Lincoln statue brought to the new school so memories and history are still apart of the school. A blueberry is even being considered to show the memories and history of the whole school. While rebuilding Lincoln Junior High School, modernizing for health and safety issues lessens concerns. When rebuilding a school health and safety should be one of the top priorities. Mold contamination is a big issue for health and safety. Mold can cause students and staff to become ill therefore, shall be treated throughout the school. Lincoln present day would be hard to treat for mold because there are so many places that it could be. Rebuilding a whole new school gives a fresh new start and something could be done to prevent mold or any types of bug, fungus, and etc. In Lincoln the air system was built way back when the school was first created so, it only runs in some places. In some places it runs to much and gets to cold and in other places it barely runs and gets too hot. In the place cold air is needed the most, they don't have it all. Both gyms in Lincoln do not have cold air running through them therefore, could get students sick or even a heat stroke from getting too hot or overheated. Lincoln structure is deteriorating and breaking down. In the basement of Lincoln a jack holding up part of the school. That is not safe and could fall at anytime. Therefore, the structure of the entire school would be stronger and better if it was rebuilt and modernized to the way it would safer and healthier. A safe and healthy school is top priority when rebuilding a