Lindbergh Kidnapping Research Paper

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Pages: 5

The Truth Behind the Lindbergh Kidnapping On May 21, 1927, Charles Lindbergh became a national hero, for being the first to complete a solo, nonstop transatlantic flight in history. Three years later, after this monumental achievement, Charles Lindbergh had his first child, Charles Lindbergh Jr., or “Charlie.” Little did he know, on a seemingly quiet night on March 1st, 1932, Charles Lindbergh Jr., the 20-month-old son of American Idol, vanished from his crib. A ransom, demanding $50,000, was found at the scene. This event caused widespread panic across the country and launched the largest criminal investigation in American history. The man who was accused and executed in an electric chair was Bruno Richard Hauptman. Despite Bruno Hauptman …show more content…
To start, Bruno Hauptman has a record of using ladders for crimes and was found with a sketch of a ladder that was identical to the ladder used in the crime. PBS Nova Video: Who Killed the Lindbergh Baby? It states, “He did use a ladder to climb into the second-story window of the mayor's house and stole some money and watches.” Bruno Hauptman, who has a history of committing crimes, usually uses a ladder to execute the crimes. If Bruno Hauptman used a ladder to access a window in the mayor's house, it indicates that he did the same to enter Lindbergh's house in Hopewell. In addition, Bruno possessed the sketch of a ladder, which was similar to the one found at the crime scene. The source “Hauptman House” states, “One item was a notebook that contained a sketch for the construction of a ladder similar to that which was found at the Lindbergh home in March 1932.” Bruno possessed the ladder sketch, which was identical to the ladder used in the …show more content…
But is there a point proving that they possibly collaborated. Both Bruno Hauptman and John Knoll possessed parts of the Ransom? PBS Nova Video: Who Killed the Lindbergh Baby? it states, “Seven hundred dollars for two roundtrip tickets to Germany”. That was an awful lot of money, about six years rent for John.” John Knoll was somehow able to get a lot of money and paid for something 6 times his rent. This exposes that John Knoll received part of the ransom and started to spend part of it. To further prove the point, the source “Hauptman House" states, “A search by police of Hauptmann's garage found over $14,000 of the ransom money.” This further demonstrates that Bruno is guilty, as he has $14,000 of the ransom money, and there is no way that he accidentally had it. If he had $14,000 out of $50,000 ransom money, someone else must have had the other part of the ransom money. The discovery of the ransom money in Hauptman Garage, and in possession of John Knoll, paints the picture that they are both guilty. The ransom money is the linkage connecting the two men to the