Link Crew Reflection

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Pages: 5

If you would have asked me when I was seventeen what I would be doing today, I would probably have responded by saying working in the state capital. After a lifetime of pledging to obtain a degree in Political Science and practicing law, my first year in college completely changed my perspective. I had moved about five hours north of Bakersfield to the California State University, Sacramento and began a four-year journey to complete my undergraduate studies with a Bachelor's in Social Sciences leaving behind my family, mentors, and friends. On that first weekend, I found myself living on the third floor of Jenkins Hall. I was all settled in in my room, waiting to meet my roommate. In the time that I was waiting, I ran across some individuals …show more content…
The program assigns a leader a group of students which they are entrusted to mentor and guide through the difficulties of high school.
After giving him the description of what link crew was, he said almost, except you live with your mentors. I asked my new found Resident Advisor if I could become an RA, and he said well not right now but maybe next year. He advised me that I could join RHA or hall council in the meanwhile, so I did.
Within a week of being in college, I had decided where my path was going to go. I decided that I would become an RA, but first I would run for a position in hall government and be a part of the hall council. Running against other members of my community seemed like a challenge, but one I was willing to take on. My first year, introverted self then went on managing a campaign and winning. I was fortunate enough to be given the responsibilities of Representative, and President of my first-year community. From that point on I would start as a student leader in housing and residential
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In achieving a doctorate my goal will be to conduct research in the fields of student retention, transitions, and graduations. My research will focus on how each of those categories affects the other of the categories. Starting as a college student, I had trouble transitioning into school and had trouble knowing whether I was going to finish school. So many questions went unanswered and when I had attended my first conference I realized the different options that I could create for future students.
In the process of being a student at the University of Nevada -Reno I would like to come out with all the learning outcomes of the university, primarily for the recruitment, retention, and student success aspect of the higher education leadership program. As a step to my end goal of working in a position of student academic success and retention Reno would have provided me with the ability to create and implement different student services. Through the electives and comprehensive examination as a portion of the curriculum, I will be able to develop and expand on four years previously