Essay on Listening speech guide

Submitted By Frank-Montano
Words: 336
Pages: 2

Speech Listening Guide

Listen to the speech. Complete the information below as you listen to the speech. You will use this information to provide constructive feedback to the speaker, so make sure you take good notes and use specific examples. Before you begin listening to the speech, read over the listening guide so that you are familiar with what you should be listening for.

1. Were you able to understand the speaker clearly throughout the speech? (Be sure to note instances when you couldn’t so you can include the information in your constructive feedback to the speaker.)
2. Was the speaker’s language appropriate to the audience and purpose? (Be sure to note specific instances when the speaker used words either too informal or formals or otherwise inappropriate for the situation.)
3. What was the main purpose of the speech? (If it was not clear very early in the speech, be sure to provide that information in your feedback.)
4. What arguments did the speaker use to support the main idea? Were they effective? Why or why not?
5. Was there a combination of fact and opinion used to support the main idea, or were there mostly just facts or mostly opinions? (Note examples of each.)
6. What language did the speaker use during the speech to appeal to the listener’s emotions? Were there places where language was used more effectively than in others? (Note examples.)
7. Did the arguments all seem to support the main idea? (Note specific instances if the