Even through this nearly astronomical language & age barrier between the both of us, we somehow understood each other perfectly. Whether it be happiness, sadness, confusion, or understanding, there was never a beat lost between us. When she became so old that she could not live on her own, she took up residence in our house, with me sharing the bedroom with her, and that only strengthened our bond that much more. However, no matter how strong a bond between two people is, there will always be a time where it is severed devastatingly. This occurred for me when my great-grandmother left this earth at ninety three years old, in March, 2006, in a retirement home here in El Paso, Texas. To even begin to describe the emotions and thoughts that ran through my childlike figure would be describing that of a person with wisdom decades above my own. It was not the normal whimpering, pouting or tears of a child who had lost something. It was almost cold, controlled and restricted at first. I shed maybe one tear, then….nothing. I did not feel anger, nor sadness, nor grief, but I did not feel acceptance either. My mind was very blank for weeks afterwards, as of right now I can only recall very vague memories of