Literary Criticism

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Literary Criticism How to Win Friends & Influence People by Dale Carnegie has been the subject of many reviews and criticisms. I found that almost every single one was positive, with none being negative or opposing the viewpoints written about. Trent Hamm from The Simple Dollar summarizes the principles taught extremely well and weighs in on how the book has helped him throughout his life. He states, “Over a period of about a year, I used the ideas in this book to become substantially more outgoing, even to the point of being able to speak in front of a room of people and effectively carry on positive conversations with potential colleagues.” Hamm utilized the meaning of How to Win Friends & Influence People the right way. Trent Hamm goes in depth on each subject and simplifies each lesson being taught. He puts it in simpler and shorter terms allowing the reader to understand what was being said. I completely agree with Hamm and his review of the book. He talks about how in section 2 the Do This and You’ll Be Welcome Anywhere principle was hardest for him. It short, it says that one should become genuinely interested in other …show more content…
He says, “Spend some time practicing every single one of the tips. You’ll soon find yourself actually conversing with people instead of being nervous or uncomfortable, simply because you have several good ideas on how to start and how to keep it going.” I can unquestionably hear his sincerity in his statement. He being awkward and nervous around people found the principles taught in How to Win Friends & Influence People to help him tremendously. Hamm states, “The reason this book has been printed for seventy years is because it works. It worked for me, at least.” Of someone with his alleged characteristics read this book and it worked on him, there is a way anyone can read, apply and find results in what is taught in Dale Carnegie’s How to Win Friends & Influence