Literature 202 Research Paper

Words: 1174
Pages: 5

In Literature 202 you will travel to Africa, Asia, Russia, India and the Americas. Many pieces of literature will be explored however that are so many pieces of literature that were composed during the Modern Era that it would be impossible to cover them all. But who decides what piece of literature is worthy to be cover in a class such as Literature 202? What makes one piece of literature more significant than the other? While we may not be able to answer that question we certainly can make the argument about which piece of literature we believe should be included.
The literary modernism era was a movement in literature that began early in the 1890s. This Era is one that would be considered as very eventful. During the modernism period, there were several events that took place. Events such as World War I that lasted four years from 1914 to 1918. While World War I ended in 1918 the effects of the war lasted for many years after. The war caused a lot of death and financial instability in Europe with led to society coming together and created a sense of patriotism. People began to about society and themselves individually.
With this new individual mindset, people began to consider their own actions and thoughts. Actions and thoughts that they would not previously have or carried out previously.
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Du Bois is undoubtedly one of the most popular African American authors that existed during the modern era in the United States of America. William Edward Burghardt was also known as “W. E. B.” Du Bois was born in 1868. He was a leading African-American sociologist, activist, and writer. Dubois in known for many things, not just his literature work however writing was a big part of his life and career. A popular piece of literature written by Dubois is The Souls of Black Folk. The Souls of Black Folk was published in 1903. The book included several essays pertaining to race. Like Azuela, Dubois wrote from his own personals