Long Bear Research Paper

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Pages: 5

Long Bear woke to a frigid spring morning on the great plains of North America. “The last shows had already come and gone,” Long Bear thought to himself. “Why have they returned?” Long Bear rose from the earth and began to walk. He was alone and needed to find his tribe. He trekked through the cold in search of any survivors, in search of the Hidatsa. As Long Bear walked through the snow he remembered the events that transpired days earlier. A great and terrible battle had just taken place between the Hidatsa and Shoshone. Few men lived through a battle of such proportions. Long Bear was lucky, he was taught from a young age how to handle a spear. The training Long Bear received allowed for many to fall at his hand. Despite the immense skill he possessed, he could not best the men of the Crooked Lance Society. Every tribe had their elite warriors, The Cheyenne had the men of the Black Mouse, the Shoshone had the Crooked Lance Society, and the Sioux had the Bull Society. Long Bear, being a man of the Hidatsa tribe had no warrior society to call home. For only Long Bear had …show more content…
Blood ran down the side of his face, it was warm. Long Bear let out a battle cry as to intimidate his foe. The sudden scream made Dog realize the danger of the situation and in a similar tone with bared teeth, Dog snarled in anger. Long Bear hoisted his spear into the air in search of a target. The man was nowhere to be seen. “Find him, quickly before he fires again” long Bear exclaimed to Dog. Dog knew exactly where the man was and took off. Long Bear followed Dog only to be met with a volley of arrows, one of which made its way into Long Bears left leg. Dog latched his teeth onto the man and he let out a cry of intense pain. Long Bear, with a split forehead, severed ear, and punctured leg, hurled his spear directly towards the scream. The fierce and abrupt conflict was then met with utter