Through jack’s development, jack represents Sigmund Freud’s ID psyche. He neglects his duties of keeping the fire going and instead decides to go out hunting. ‘Ralph spoke “you let the fire go out”… “We can start the fire again. You should have been with us Ralph. We had a smashing time. The twins got knocked over-”. (p.69) Jack demonstrates his ID characteristics by not caring about the fire and only wanting food for himself. Secondly Jack displays his ID character personality by making a disturbance in ralphs meeting and making the boys question Ralphs leadership ability. “I’ve got the conch. Ralph thinks you’re all cowards, running away from the boar and the beast and that’s not all… he’s like piggy. He says things like piggy. He isn’t a proper chief. (p.126) Jack is being rude by not letting ralph talk or explain himself and also not taking piggy’s feelings into consideration while dissing ralph. Finally jack confirms his ID characterization by raiding Ralph’s camp looking for piggy’s glasses to start a fire “I know. They didn’t come for the conch. They came for something else. Ralph, what am I going to do? …. From his left hand dangled piggy’s broken glasses”. (p.168) Jack is presenting his ID character by taking what’s not his and returning it broken along with raiding Ralph’s camp, he could have asked piggy if he could borrow his glasses instead of stealing and breaking them.
Through Ralph’s development, Ralph conveys Sigmund Freud’s ego psyche by having a duel character personality by caring at times only about himself and