Lord Of The Flies Situational Irony

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Pages: 2

What is irony?Situational irony is when a reader experiences the opposite of what they expected, which you can find multiple examples of while reading Golding's “Lord of the Flies”.

One example of irony shown is in chapter 1 as well as chapter 11. On page 21,-“he’s not fatty”-”his real name Piggy!”- this caused all the children to burst out laughing, making “Piggy” as his known name throughout the entire book.However the real irony of the name “Piggy”, comes out on page 181, “Piggy’s arms and legs twitched a bit, like a pig after it has been killed.” This shows the irony was that he was called a pig, and in the end died like one.

The other known examples appeared in the similar context, with Ralph turning his own words against him. In the