Lord Terror: A Narrative Fiction

Words: 932
Pages: 4

It was a bright and clear day in the village. People were doing what they normally do like farming and doing what they can to help the village grow. The ruler of the village was an aging man. He was 80 years old. Everything turned into chaos when a lord named Lord Terror attacked. The village didn't know they were going to be raided and was defenseless. He captured it with ease. After the attack, Lord Terror then made a decree that all children, ages 11-18, work in mines because he thinks didn't work for the village or help in any way. There was a boy named Barry who was living in the village. He was very smart for his age. He was ten years old and his birthday was the next day. His parents , named Bob and Hazel ,didn't want him …show more content…
“Do we have to tell Barry about this?” “ I’m afraid we have to,” said Bob. They didn’t want to tell him, but they knew they had to. “Barry,” they both said. “ according to this letter, you have to work in the mines for Lord Terror.” Barry thought that this was a joke and his parents were lying. However, when looking at his parent’s sad and serious faces he knew that they were telling the truth. “It’s not fair!” Barry exclaimed. “Why do I have to go!” “ This was not our idea Barry,” said Hazel. “This was Lord Terror’s rule. Anybody from eleven through eighteen has to go into the mines. It wasn’t our idea!” “Your mother is right.” said Bob. “You have to go to the mines until you are eighteen. There is no possible way to escape this. I’m sorry.” They all had a moment of silence. It was a shock to Barry and a sad moment for the two parents. They comforted each other and went to sleep, feeling sadness. The next day the family was to go to Lord Terror’s palace. It was very far from where they lived and they didn’t own any mechanical way of driving or a horse drawn carriage. They had to walk 30 miles. When they finally arrived at his palace, they entered, terrified and tired. It was a huge place and there were gold and silver everywhere. Fancy chandeliers hung from the ceiling and there were rooms as far as the eye could see. A few moments later Lord Terror showed