If I were to be claimed by a god, I believe I would be claimed by Hera who is the Greek Goddesses of Love and Marriage. She represents commitment and has the ability to make a lifetime commitment, is assertive and gets angry at betrayal, has a deep instinct to protect and nurture, is faithful, possesses jealously, is a loyal friend, helpmate, assistant and wants to be loved because of her sacrifice. All of these to an extent are everything that represents me if not more.
The main quality of commitment that Hera represents is what I consider to be one of my most important traits that I own. Even though I am not in a relationship with anyone, I still believe I am committed or would be if I were to be in one. My commitment that I have is not only to a relationship, it is also outside of it as well. Being that I am committed to everything that I do, putting in 110% every time. I also believe I also have the ability to make a lifetime commitment to the person that I love, even when one day I was to get