Lovee: Childhood and Teen Girls Essay

Words: 408
Pages: 2

"Teen Pregnancy"

Teen pregnancy is one of the most difficult experience a young person might ever face when it interupts school and other plans. When i say teens i mean young woman who has not reached their 20th birthday. Pregnancy has very important consequences for teen girls, boys, and their children. Having a baby as a teen makes it more harder for a girl or boy to reach their goals such as finishing high school, getting a good job, or getting married when they grow up and poses additional challenges to they child as well. Pregnancy can create an emotional crisis resulting in feeling of shame and fear. You may be stressed out about how you are going to break the news to your parents might be even greater, and finding help may seem like an impossoble task. Alot of teens deny or ignore pregnancy however, that can only make things worse for you and your baby.
Teens should know that denial will not take away the prgnancy. You would lose the time you could have invested in parental care and counseling. Most teens don't realize that when they get pregnant and have a baby they will have major responsibilities.Teenagers are not prepared for the demands of parenthood simply because they are still children. This is why pregnancy at a young age is such a tragedy. Parenthood catapults teens instantly into adulthood, robbing them of the joys of being a child. Once these opportunities are missed, they are gone for good. You will miss out on alot of teenage things like dances,