Lu Xun Research Paper

Words: 1651
Pages: 7

Lu Xun was born into a family of government officials. He saw the corruption that existed with government officials in the early 1900’s. Due to all of the corruption, it caused his family to lose their wealth. This had affect Lu Xun as he planned to go to medical school to study medicine because they couldn’t afford it no more. This had influenced his writing and his anger towards the government didn’t change over time. Lu Xun is seen by many as one of the leading modern author’s that shaped Chinese literature and society during the Cultural Revolution. His stories, essays and commentaries helped shape China because of his harsh criticisms of Chinese traditions. He talked about the common problem people faced and how the government wasn’t doing much to resolve the issues. …show more content…
During 1900, China’s famine of 1907 was a tragic event. It took the lives of nearly 25 million people. According to Andrew Fitzgerald “East-Central China was reeling from a series of poor harvests when a massive storm flooded 40,000 square miles of lush agricultural territory, destroying 100% of the crops in the region. Food riots took place daily, and were often quelled through the use of deadly force. It is estimated that, on a good day, only 5,000 were dying due to starvation.” People rioted against one another and this is also presented in the text, where other villagers wanted to eat the narrator. During 1911, there was also a revolution known as Xinhai revolution. It was because of lots of political corruption. The middle class were unhappy with the famine and also rebelled against the government. Majority of these events has shaped A Madman’s Diary by Lu