Luke's Diner

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Pages: 7

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Major criteria points
Thorough and effective analysis and interpretation of relevant information.
Logical and convincing arguments to thoroughly justify arguments and recommendations to the successful implementation on the E-business. Effective communication of accounting information in a business report style and recommendations to the successful implementation on the E-business. This report is in response to the inquiry made by Luke Danes, owner of Luke’s Diner, to assist in making the decision whether or not to set up, and invest into, an expansion of his business into the e-commerce sector. This report will interpret and analyse information gathered from Luke’s Diner, and provide a supported answer to why Danes
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An analysis of the risks and security issues that could arise for Luke’s Diner in conducting an e-business and recommendations on what controls should be implemented so that these risks are minimised.
Fraud. E-commerce fraud can take several shapes:
Use of a stolen card number to fraudulently purchase products or services.
A family member uses a card to make purchases without the cardholder’s authorization.
A customer falsely claims that he or she did not receive a shipment.
Hackers penetrate an e-commerce merchant’s system and issue credits to themselves. Account information theft by hackers. There are a couple of ways for hackers to access personal account data:
Intercepting customer account data during transmission to or from the merchant.
Accessing inadequately protected systems and stealing data from them. Account information theft from a physical site. Data can be stolen from a physical site in a number of ways, including:
Stealing cardholder data by an outsider from a merchant’s site and using it or selling it for unauthorized use.
Stealing cardholder data by a?ámerchant’s employee and using it or selling it for unauthorized use.
Stealing unshredded cardholder data by a dumpster-truck’s