MCH Chapter Summary

Words: 965
Pages: 4

The book states that MCH is an academic field which aims its focus on the determinants, mechamisms, and systems that promote and maintain the health, safety, well-being and appropriate development of children and their families in commnities and societies, in order to enhance the future of health and welfareof society and subsequet generations.

2.) What tragic events have occured from the beginning of time to the present which dictated the necessity for child advocacy and child protection? The evolution of children being individuals with intrest and rights that are seprate rom their parents sparked the necessity for child advocacy and child protection. In the early 20th century movement ban child labor and realized that a childs right to
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give one example provided in the course material.

Positive rights are referred to as subsistence rights or welfare rights, requiring some people to give up someting of economic value in order to satisfy the legitimate claims of others. Positive rights is a right to something tangible. An exmple of postitive rights is an adequate standard of living.

4.) What are negative rights? Give one example provided in the course material.

Negative rights are often called option rights or rights of forbearance. Negative rights are the right to be left alone. The Bill of Rights articulates neative rights that stops Congress from passing laws that restrict freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, and the freedom to exercise religion.

5.) Explain theories of justice.

Theories of justice is broken into two basic theories. For the purposes of analyzing and assessing distributive justice for children you must consider these theories. One theory is based of the principle of utility crated by Jeremy Benthem. This theory assumes that individuals act to maximize their own happiness or utility. The second theory by Immanuel Kant is based off rules and duties. This theory emphasizes individual need or merit as allocation
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This program provides supplemental food, nutrition education, and access to medical care. Under the eligibility guidelines by the federal government low income pregnant women, nursing mothers, and infants that were considered at nutritional risk were distributed nutritious foods. WIC has been associated with health improvements reflected in decreased rates of low birth weight. Policy changes were made in the 1980s in efforts to make the supplemental food program more cohesive part of services for mothers and children. The provision of WIC services have shown improvement in immunization rates and use of dental