The definition of ambition is “An eagerness or motivation to do or achieve something such as gaining wealth or a business goal” (The np), but ambition in a simple word is hungry. Hungry for money, hungry for power, hungry for life; the mere fact of leaving a pedestal no can reach; no one can duplicate; no one could ever thrive to be even an inch of that persons greatness. The madness of filling the empty void of why we matter in this world and Macbeth was filling that hole with success fueled by ambition.
Yes, people can agree that what Macbeth did to achieve his goal was no longer ambition but mere evil of his being. With the huge amount of ambition Macbeth had, he no longer had the mental capacity to deal with the feelings of the whole deal to become king. As said by Smith when comparing Macbeth and Belford through their ambition to become in their ways king …show more content…
Ambition will cause people to do unimaginable things to achieve a person greatness and fill the empty void. Ambition, causing the greatest motions of life or the worst things in life. The simplest of achievements do not stray from ambition. Even waking up in the morning to come to school, work etc. is driven by the ambition with in a person. Macbeth’s ambition lead him to his unforgivable crimes, and the death of himself. Whatever the case ambition is the root of all a person’s life, in all ways the root of all good and evil, bright and dark. Macbeth just chose evil and destruction to feed his ambition to his goal of being “King