Macbeth's Vaulting Ambition Research Paper

Words: 281
Pages: 2

Although being influenced by the witches and Lady Macbeth, Macbeths’ “vaulting ambitions” lead him to his own downfall. After the three witches came to Macbeth, Macbeth came up with the idea to kill the King to pursue his goal. Yes the three witches put the idea in Macbeths’ head, however, killing Duncan was never stated. Macbeth could have easily resisted the witches’ prophecies and made choices that went against them, but he decided not to. He was the one who killed the king not the witches nor Lady Macbeth. Macbeth was the one who ignored Lady Macbeth’s decision making processes and orders off a killing spree. Macbeth did have a choice whether to perform all the deeds that he did; he did not have to listen to Lady Macbeth and kill King