Magnet Status Paper

Words: 540
Pages: 3

The most prestigious distinction a hospital can receive for excellence in nursing and in patient outcome quality is known as Magnet status. The Magnet recognition program also provides a magnet model acting as a guideline on how the healthcare organization can acquire high-quality nursing practice. The magnet model encompasses five essential elements: transformational leadership, structural empowerment, exemplary professional practice, new knowledge, innovation, & improvements, and empirical outcomes (Drenkard, 2010). Though the journey to achieve Magnet status is extensive and costly Magnet hospital has positive effects on patient outcomes. This paper will address the benefits Magnet status has for the nurses, patients, and the hospital. Nurses play a significant role in the healthcare experience for patients and their families. Magnet status provides a way for healthcare organizations in particular hospitals to invest in their nurses. Many studies have shown that Magnet hospitals provide nurses with a positive work environment including ample resources and organizational level support resulting in high-quality nursing practice. One study found that due to staffing or workload …show more content…
Numerous studies have shown Magnet status leads to improved nurses’ work environment increasing patient safety and better patient outcomes. For example, one study states that Magnet hospitals have a 14% reduction in mortality rates (McHugh et al., 2013). Moreover, Barnes, Rearden, and McHugh (2016) shows that Magnet hospitals have lower prevalence rate for central-line-associated bloodstream infections or CLABSI (OR = 1.60, 95% CI:1.10, 2.33 after matching). Moreover, many studies have indicated that Magnet hospitals’ fall rates are 10.3% lower than non-Magnet hospitals. (Drenkard, 2010). Overall, Magnet hospitals provide better patient care and improved patient