Mainstream American Culture Research Paper

Words: 1042
Pages: 5

Mainstream American Culture
American society has gone through different situations over the years. Discrimination was one of the core aspects in the society at some time. There are several and definite reasons behind such behavior of being biased towards other nations, sects or gender. One of the most obvious reasons is that America has remained as British colony for over a long period of time in which they are being oppressed with different means. This has tended the American society behavior towards rigidity and stubbornness. There are several ethnic groups in the American society which now days posses equal rights. There is a series of activities and efforts behind this which has led to current free American society which is now mainstream American culture. There are privacy and individual existence are main aspects of society as well. After the liberation, there were several concepts in the minds with rigid thoughts which were creating discrimination in the society.
In the current era, the major focus of mainstream American culture is the aspect discussed above. There are several rights current American societies possess which cannot be dreamed to entertain in other communities. These mainstream effects of freedom, equality and individuality along with the other mainstream effects are the main ultimate
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Among all, Nagel Joane has contributed his efforts for study of ethnic identity and culture recreation in America. These and some of the other sources will help in constructing and formulating a research and studying the impact of movements on other communities of American society. These are available sources and other major source of the article will be scholarly and authentic papers based on research and efforts. The paper will reference the article which will have significance and no hypothetical statement, imagination and