Also many people will not be able to purchase them. Unless the minimum wage sky rockets also like 20 dollars an hour. But i'm sure you're not going to be willing to required that the minimum wage be that high. Is comong sense since things go up also wages need to be raise. As the raise increases the Iteam also increases And is like a chain since now the technician will also will have to raise their prices for the labor and yet the expensive to repair the vehicle is going to be so damn expensive and probably unaffordable for the people earning minimum wage. An example a halogen bulb at Autozone cost 5.99 which was 3157 size. Compare At Amazon L.E.D white bulb manufacture at China is at 1.99 USA Dollars. See the difference? Of course I will go with the L.E.D white than the Halogen for two reasons. One is cheaper, and secondly it will end up looking better and