He was envious of Bimbi whom could take control of any conversation he was in. For all of the reason previously mentioned he wanted to learn to learn to read. He learns a myriad of things in his reading. He learned that there were many words in the dictionary that he did not even know existed, he learned that his penmanship was terrible, he learned to read his own handwriting after copying down hundreds of words and reading them back to himself, he learned that he could memorize what the words meant, he realized that he could not pick up a book and understand what it says, he learned that there were many subjects of book on the bookshelves in the library, he learned that he preferred reading in the isolation of his room, he was appalled by slavery, he discerned that reading changed his life forever, and finally he had never felt so free even though he was in prison. However after analyzing all of this I do believe he was justified in his anger. I believe this for many reasons. The first being that he was never taught English or definitions, so he had the right to be upset because of his own academic