Malcolm starts to explore more of Boston. Ella tells Malcolm to hang out with the good people yet, Malcolm goes straight to the ghetto. In which, he feels more comfortable. From there he looks for job in where he meets Shorty and gets a job as a shoe shiner. Malcolm starts to learn more about the drugs and alcohol. Malcolm starts gets introduced to the conk by Shorty. When Malcolm attempts to do the conch he feels pain from all the ingredients. He realizes that it was a horrible idea. He thinks of the conch is the lost of sense in identity by trying to look white. Chapter 4, Malcolm's problem is dancing since the people from Boston dance a lot. He is the only one that can’t dance yet, later starts to. He quits his job and gets a new job at the soda fountain. He meets Laura whom is a college student, Laura and him go dancing. However, Laura starts to change ever since Malcolm meets a white lady Sophia. When time passes by Laura isn’t the same she is a drug addict. Which, makes Malcolm feel guilty. Malcolm transitions to another job as a