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Assignment Cover Sheet – Internal
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Mail ID 1
Email: Chuhy031
Course code and title: Managing the Hospitality Experience (TOUR 2005)
School: Bussiness
Program Code: DBCB
Course Coordinator: Dr Gayathri (Gee) Wijesinghe
Tutor: Mr John Hopkinson
Day, Time, Location of Tutorial/Practical: Tue 4:10 -5:00
Assignment number: 3
Due date:14 Nov 2013
Assignment topic as stated in Course Outline:
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Signed: chung
Date: 4 Nov 2013
Date received from student
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Question 1
Explain with an example what is meant by ‘creating an enjoyable experience’ for the guest/customer in a hospitality setting, for an in-house guest or a customer dinning in a restaurant.
‘Creating a coherent and memorable experience’ for the guest is one of the main issues in hospitality industry. Experiences are the emotions and sense of visual, auditory, olfactory, and mental. Creating an enjoyable experience for the customers are not only can make them feel good, but also increase an opportunity for them to repurchase the service. Here are several ways to go beyond a good customer service that it will create a coherent experience for the guests when dinning in a restaurant or in-house guest.
Take an example of ‘Danny Meyer’s New York restaurant’, the owner ‘Danny’ is a master of detail, and his employees are being trained to notice, and when appropriate act on, even the smallest scraps of information they observe about a guest. In his restaurant, if it has been mention that a reservation that it's a birthday dinner, the manager will make it a point to come to the table and represent Danny's birthday wishes to the appropriate person (Nisen 2013). In addition, if staff members eavesdrop on a conversation in which the guests indicated that they like or dislike something, within minutes, everyone who might come into contact with that guest knows about it (Nisen 2013). It's no wonder that his services was created memorable experiences and got a top ranking in the "Most Popular" list on the Zagat guide (Nisen 2013).
Particular in dinning services, to show the customers that the restaurant is appreciating them is important in which it will create an enjoyable experience for the customer. For example, restaurant manager in Danny Meyer’s New York restaurant are given "VIPs" an